Monday 1 September 2014

Possible Magazine Names

1. A La Mode (in fashion, style)
I think that this name instantly portrays that it is a fashion magazine, it also links to the connotations of Paris fashion being big inspiration to our style. I like it because it is interesting and is not too obvious, which is something I feel my target audience would enjoy because they like to be kept guessing and have something to work out rather than be handed everything.

2. Elegant (Stylish)
It is likely that when my target audience think of fashion they think of elegance and looking stylish meaning that this name would strike and instant relationship with them. It is also simple and easy to remember therefore creating a memorable brand name.

3. North
I like this purely for the regional link, its important I make it clear that this is a magazine made by and for people in the north east because this is my unique selling point. There is not much fashion connotations to it but if I do use this name I could emphasis the genre through the subheadings and main cover image.

4. East Coast
This name I really like because when I think of the north to me it signify the coast with seaside towns such as south shields, Whitley bay etc. East incorporates the north east element and I think that the two together make a memorable brand name that my target audience would remember.  

5. Addiction
Fashion is often refereed to as an addiction and teenagers these days are constantly refereed to as being addicted to the likes of social media, television shows etc so I think that the name will instantly relate to them. 

I like this name because it allows me to reach for big heights in making the magazine, it will strike a cord with my target audience because it is likely that this is something in which the strive for. 

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