Tuesday 30 September 2014

End of September Update Post

This month I completed a lot more than I had initially planned for, I not only completed research into the connotations of magazines, websites and billboards from the fashion genre I also denotated three examples from competitors such as company and cosmopolitan for each of my production tasks.While doing this I created pintrest boards of my inspirations for each section  which I can use to refer back to during production and planning if I become stuck for ideas etc. I also managed to complete target audience interviews, profiles, surveys etc building a strong base for my audience.

Moving on from this, I found myself with time to complete extra research which would aid me in my planning such as facial expression theories, colour theories, pricing surveys and one thing that I believe will really give me an advantage in my planning was research into the north east region. I found videos of inspiration from the north east and made a mood board of what sums up the north.

I am very happy with how much I have achieved and I would not change anything because I feel I have worked very efficiently. I hope to maintain this over the coming months.

Monday 29 September 2014

Facial Expression Theory

In my images I will be using the chocolate box expression for some shots because it is inviting and warm. The model does not look like she is trying to invite males in like the facial expression that would be seen in magazines such as FHM because my target audience is predominantly female, her closed mouth smile simply looks warming and sweet. My main facial expression I want to use in my work is the super smiler because it makes my magazine cover look happier and friendlier, the pose is demanding meaning that it will catch the audiences attention however it Is not too intense that they may be put off buying it. The pose is relatable and implies that the magazine, therefore, is also relatable. I do not believe that a romantic or sexual stare would be appropriate for my magazine or my target audience and therefore do not plan on using it.

Which Publisher Is Best?

This has taught me a lot when it comes to the colour scheme of my magazine because it allows me to make a statement. For example If i use 'Analogous' colours burgundy, orange and yellow the make a good combination but allow for the burgundy colour to take control of the magazine. Where as if I use complimentary colours red and green they will both take equal dominance. In the fashion industry it is often a mix of the two meaning that I will use both complimentary colouring and analogous in order to emphasis the fashion elements and the autumn theme. 

It is also likely that my target audience will relate more to colours which suit each other and blend well together rather than being challenged by a multitude of contrasting bright colours. Its unlikely they will react to a nature theme which creates harmony because they are looking for something outstanding that grabs their attention rather than something which looks almost dull. 

Monday 22 September 2014

Log Of Progress (Monday 22nd September)

So far I feel that I am doing well with regards to research into existing magazines and what is expected in them, I am now beginning to tackle the regional element of my magazine and how I am going to make it regional while looking into my target audience and carrying out surveys and hopefully interviews to find out what is wanted from my magazine. Because I am spending so much time doing research in planning, in order to give me the best product possible, I am In risk of falling behind my schedule. I still haven't begun taking images or been on a location scout which needs doing within this next week, I need to spend more time focusing on this area to ensure that my magazine, website and billboard will all be completed on my set date. 

Youtube Video Inspiration (North East)

This video shows images a man has taken across the north eats of england over the past 3 years, I like it because i feel that it captures the beauty of the region and shows everything thats good about it. some of the locations shown would be brilliant for my magazine and have inspired me to try out different times of the days for my photos. locations shown include marsen rock, lumley castle, the sage in gateshead and many more.

Mood Board Of North East Region

Friday 19 September 2014

Target Audience Survey

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.

Inorder to get results from my target audience I shared it to my facebook profile.

Target Audience Description

Playing dress up never ends, girls who read my magazine live by this motto. They love to dress up but equally enjoy simple day to day fashions, they dress to impress everyday and dream of owning the latest fashion trends. However she doesn't just wear the trends, she creates them. 

They have a strong online presence. Shes on twitter and facebook, shes obsessed with instagram, she has her own blog and she loves spending time on pintrest. Her life is captured through the lense of her camera and her every day trials and tribulations are shared through her mobile phone. 

Our girls like to be individual, however they want to manage this on a budget. They don't want to be shown high range fashion that they can not afford however they love finding the same look without the bank breaking price tag. They are smart and savvy and come to my magazine to search for street styles, budget fashions, high street ranges, celebrity inspirations and beauty tips. 

They are bored of the same old fashion magazines and want something fresh and new that stands out and looks like nothing they have ever seen, they appreciate the type of paper used, the colour schemes and the font choices. They don't turn an eye to anything. 

She is inspirational, fashionable, confident, quirky, created, ambitious and cool. 

Typical Target Audience Member

Target Audience Profiles

Brief target audience information

Thursday 18 September 2014

Target Audience Interview Reflection

I learnt a lot by doing this interview because not only did it improve my practical skills in using the camera, using different camera angles and shots and mainly using video editing sites such as I movie. It taught me a lot about what is needed in my magazines in not only the content but in the pricing and layout. 

When asked about what a magazines my target audience read Vogue was mentioned because of the variety that was inside. This has changed my view point because my initial plan was to link the same stories from front cover to my double page spread and then too my website but hearing this taught me that I would have to in-corporate different fonts, colours and mainly stories if I wanted to maintain my audience and have a chance at competing with big competitors. 

As expected, Topshop and River Island were the two most prominent brands that were mentioned because they design and make clothes in which my target audience want and need. They are also well established meaning they spring to peoples minds as soon as clothing is mentioned. They also do ranges linked directly to the season so in autumn they pick up on trends in regards to jackets, jumpers and boots which are staple pieces for any girls wardrobe at this time of year. This allowed me to be more confident about my choice to feature high street clothing and base my brand around being affordable yet stylish but it also changed my mind slightly because it made me think about how many exisiting blogs, websites and magazines that focus primarly on the typical high street brands, inspiring me to look for hidden gems in the north east that are affordable. 

Target audience Interview

Pre Production Practice Storyboard

Billboard Reconstruction

Billboard Deconstructions 1,2 and 3


Thursday 11 September 2014

Magazine Deconstruction 1

Magazine Conventions

Feedback On Blog So Far

Getting a peer assessment really helped me when carrying on with my blog because they gave me guidance as to what things they felt were missing while boosting my confidence by informing me on what they believed I was doing good on my blog and what was working well. One thing which I was compliment on a lot was my use of multi media including the use of pint rest and powtoon, I hope to carry this on in the rest of my posts and try and avoid block texting which is something I was pulled up on. Another comment I received was to complete my reconstructions which I will be doing as soon as possible. This advice has really helped me and I feel that it would be something to consider doing more frequently. 

Pitch- Font Styles

This font links in with my representations of feminity and I like it because it is not stereotypical of a magazine masthead and adds a tone of elegance and glamour to my cover. 

One of my favorite things about this font is that it is quirky and fun, it isn't a typical bold and border line boring font that is typically found. 

I LOVE the letter shapes on this font because they are elegant twirls but are also fun and not too serious, it will allow me to play about with colors etc. 

Fashion Magazines

Follow Laura's board Fashion Magazines on Pinterest.

Friday 5 September 2014

Flat Plans


idea 1- double page spread.

idea 2- 

These are the basic plans for my magazine layout, on my front cover I will have an image of my model, Lucy Bolden, on the front cover wearing a glamorous dress using the 'super smiler' facial expression.

I will be using natural lighting on my image to get a realistic perception of her skin tone etc, however in some cases I will use artificial lighting in the form of a flash to brighten colours and tones on the image. This will mainly be used for images that will be used on the website and feature pages. 

For my text, I want to use a bold font that will stand out from the other cover stories and I want to use an tahoma based font that is round, I will be conducting more research into which fonts i feel suit the representations I am looking to achieve which are femininity and individuality. 

Stereo typically, magazines use a plain white background for the magazine however I intend on breaking this stereotype and using a brown (beige) colour or a light grey because they will enhance my image while tying into my into my intended theme of autum fashion. They also suit all of my planned colour schemes making them stand out more and catch the readers attention.

In regards to camera shots and angles I want my main cover image to be a long shot at eye level so that her hair, makeup and outfit can all be seen and therefore create a autumn tone through my styling. I will use one close up of a model for a feature on makeup but for all other images, which will mainly be of makeup and clothes, I will use mainly medium close ups so that all the quality of the products are maintained without any of the products being cropped out. I want them to be realistic images of what the products really look like. 

My front cover layout will be very conventional with a strong masthead front and center, a model over lapping, bar code in the bottom left corner and sub headings in the left and right thirds. My editors page layout will have multiple images in a row along the bottom center of the page, an image of myself in the top right corner, masthead in the top left and text taking up the central page. There are two plans for my feature pages, one is a double page spread which will include many long shot images of my models in the corners with smaller, medium shots of clothing and products positioned around the pages along with text boxes on the insides of the pages. The second is a plan for a single page which will have a central masthead with scattered images around it with page number and web address in the top right corner. 

Monday 1 September 2014

Possible Magazine Names

1. A La Mode (in fashion, style)
I think that this name instantly portrays that it is a fashion magazine, it also links to the connotations of Paris fashion being big inspiration to our style. I like it because it is interesting and is not too obvious, which is something I feel my target audience would enjoy because they like to be kept guessing and have something to work out rather than be handed everything.

2. Elegant (Stylish)
It is likely that when my target audience think of fashion they think of elegance and looking stylish meaning that this name would strike and instant relationship with them. It is also simple and easy to remember therefore creating a memorable brand name.

3. North
I like this purely for the regional link, its important I make it clear that this is a magazine made by and for people in the north east because this is my unique selling point. There is not much fashion connotations to it but if I do use this name I could emphasis the genre through the subheadings and main cover image.

4. East Coast
This name I really like because when I think of the north to me it signify the coast with seaside towns such as south shields, Whitley bay etc. East incorporates the north east element and I think that the two together make a memorable brand name that my target audience would remember.  

5. Addiction
Fashion is often refereed to as an addiction and teenagers these days are constantly refereed to as being addicted to the likes of social media, television shows etc so I think that the name will instantly relate to them. 

I like this name because it allows me to reach for big heights in making the magazine, it will strike a cord with my target audience because it is likely that this is something in which the strive for. 

Billboard Inspirations

This is my favourite billboard and most inspirational because I feel that less is defiantly more when it comes to advertisement and that if they are to busy the public will not have time to take in the information they are having placed for them too see. The images instantly represent that it is fashion related as they carry strong connotations of the genre such as the striking pose and the clever placement of the products. The colour scheme also contrasts very well and allows the brand name and logo to stand out and catch your eye without appearing too over powering. The billboard instantly raises brand awareness and sticks in your mind as you can take it all in at the blink of an eye, which is typically the time drivers or passengers have when looked at billboards.

 I like this billboard also because you can see straight away that the advertisement is for Elle magazine, it also provides information for the viewers as they can see not only the brand name but the type of product they are promoting, when they can purchase the magazine and what the magazines focus is. I think that the layout works well however I would change the font styles as they don't stand out enough compared to the 8 images and bright and very large yellow masthead.

Although this billboard is for a TV programme I still take great inspiration from it because it stands out and you can instantly pick up all the information necessary. The shows name is prominent and can be seen well, on the other hand the image over powers it greatly. This is good in its own way because pictures can sometimes say a thousands words and here the image clearly shows the format of the show and the main story line about it. You can see two prominent people which shows they have power and people competing in the background which greatly connotes a talent show.

To do List (September)

This month is mainly focused on establishing the base of my research and starting adding detail to my blog because this will help me when it comes to planning my main and ancillary tasks. My plans for this month are the following; 

  • Research possible names and choice one that I like. 
  • Connotations of Magazines, Billboards and websites. 
  • Denotate 3 examples of competitors per task 
  • Begin target audience research (survey, interview, profiles)