Thursday 26 March 2015

Changes to feature page.

I have made many subtle changes to the page because, in order for it to match well with the other side of the double page I had to add conventions and change sizing etc. Below is a list of things I changed and my reasonings why;

  • Added 'high street edit' in the top right corner to fit with the theme of cheap must haves. It also tied the two pages together in my opinion. 
  • Added new images of my benefit professional sample and my new lush lip balm because I felt that there was large gaps that needed to be filled. 
  • Changed the positioning of some images because before it looked like they had been placed in lines, I rotated the urban decay spray so it was on an angle and plays around with rotations etc on other products to create an organized chaos feel. 
  • Added extra information such as website, twitter address to the bottom left with the page number.  

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