Saturday 28 March 2015




Changes To Front Cover

My front cover has always been the page in which I am most passionate about, following peer assessment and teacher assessment I decided that there was some major changes that I needed to make in order to give full clarification of the page and ensure it looks the best it possibly can. These are the following; 

  • Most obviously, I have changed the main cover image. This is a big risk to take as I have loved my other image since day one but looking at the quality of the image it looked very pixilated and the editing of her arm etc looked untidy. This has always posed an issue with the overall look of the cover so I decided to change the image to a clearer, better edited image. 
  • Added 'Fits in your bag' puff. The sizing of my magazine is un-conventional because my target audience are students and 'on the go' so I found it fitting that I made an edition that would fit perfectly into bags. However I did not make this clear enough so I believe the addition is vital in the audience understanding my choices for sizing. 
  • New Tagline 'North Easts Favourite Fashion Magazine'. I didn't stress enough on my cover that this was a northern magazine for northern girls and felt that by adding a tagline it would be more clear. 

Thursday 26 March 2015

Changes to contents page.

My contents page is a very vibrant page, a lot of the critique I received was based on the lack of information on the page but because my target audience Is teenagers I decided to base the page on them and forming involvement for them. I have recently made changes to the piece of make it more professional. These are the following; 

  • Changed the font on Spotted and Editors Note from champagne and limosenes to Fashionisms regular because I believe that it fits my house style better and most importantly was easier to read. 
  • Added a signature to the Editors note because not only is it a typical convention it makes the readers feel involved as they are being spoken to by the editor, they know that it was actually written by me. 
  • Added a social media bar, again to get the target audience involved, including the main sites Twitter, Facebook and Instagram shows that the magazine embraces multi-media and provides many platforms for us to be reached. 
  • Changed the image on 'Spotted' because the other looked blurry.  

Changes to feature page.

I have made many subtle changes to the page because, in order for it to match well with the other side of the double page I had to add conventions and change sizing etc. Below is a list of things I changed and my reasonings why;

  • Added 'high street edit' in the top right corner to fit with the theme of cheap must haves. It also tied the two pages together in my opinion. 
  • Added new images of my benefit professional sample and my new lush lip balm because I felt that there was large gaps that needed to be filled. 
  • Changed the positioning of some images because before it looked like they had been placed in lines, I rotated the urban decay spray so it was on an angle and plays around with rotations etc on other products to create an organized chaos feel. 
  • Added extra information such as website, twitter address to the bottom left with the page number.  

Thursday 19 March 2015

Update post of my magazine so far

One change in which I made on my front cover since my last post was the introduction of a tag line,  I felt that it was important for the branding of a magazine and it is also a common convention in which I forgot to follow. I also re-edited my image in an attempt to make any edges smoother and remove white marks and blurs which were making it look un professional.

This is my first draft of this page, which is page one of a double page spread. Initially I wanted my makeup page on a separate page but after receiving feedback that it did not look suitable and didn't fit my house style I decided my best option would be to make it in conjunction with my other page. I added makeup smudges etc. as an underlay to make it more layered and vibrant to match the personality of my front cover.

Not much has changed since my lost post of this page but I changed the box colour to make the page brighter and added a information bubble to match. 

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Changes Made This Session (Feature Pages)

Some of my feedback from my teacher mentioned that my fashion page appeared to be boring and plain in comparison to the bold colors and layers used on my front cover and contents page. In order to over come this I decided to add new layers and textures to the page using glitter, lipstick and face mask contents. I thought that this would capture the readers eyes and add extra colors. The following are examples of where I used this technique: