Sunday 26 October 2014

Photoshoot 1 Images

Follow Laura's board Magazine Images on Pinterest.

Initially I loved my first photo shoot because I had spent a lot of time deciding where would be most appropriate for my images, hair style, makeup etc but Once I looked closer at the images it was obvious that there were some that would not be suitable. The close up images were amazing quality but they were not suitable for my front cover because I wanted more of a focus on the clothing. That is when I decided that it would be more appropriate to ask my cousin if she would model for me, as a professional model herself she took over the lead and helped me get a variety of exciting and more intriquet shots. There are still some images that could be used but in both cases  there are images in which the facial expressions are wrong or the poses look to stages which means that I will have to remove them from my choices as they would ruin the overall effect of my cover and inside of the magazine.

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