Thursday 22 January 2015

Contents Page First Draft

The strengths of this contents page,  in my opinion are;

  • The mood board background because it adds different dimensions to the piece. 
  • The strong house style, the colors have been carried through from my front cover to create an automatic reliability. 
The weakness of this contents page are;
  • The yellow/orange box makes the text difficult to read. 
  • The masthead looks out of place.
  • The whole page is too safe.  
My reasonings for selections are the following; 

  • The color scheme and fonts were taken from my front cover and carried through to create an overall house style. 
  • I included an editors note because it created a relationship with the readers and allowed me to express thanks to models etc. It is also a common convention of fashion magazines.
  • The style crush segment includes the regional aspect as girls from across the north east can be spotted and chosen to be featured on this page. 
  • I wanted a moldboard as my background to create a depth to the page while creating a modern feeling, the images includes cut outs of fashion icons such as Kendal Jenner, Kate Moss and Twiggy which links to the fashion aspect. 

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