Thursday 27 November 2014

27th Of November (Update on Progress)

Part 1- 

For the first part of this session I began editing a different picture to those I edited last week because after reflecting on my progress and comparing it with successful brands such as Cosmopolitan and Seventeen magazine I felt that the images were not going to work in compelling my magazine and also would make it hard to add cover stories and sell lines over. I then chose the close up image of my model using the super smiler effect 

Part 2- 

Once I was happy with my image I began trailing different background to see which one complemented the image the most while still fitting with my intended house style and color theme. I then asked my peer which one she felt looked best and we both agreed that the white/peachy background and the dark beige colors looked the best. 

Part 3- 

I then began to play around with the model to change hair color etc in order to make it the most suitable for my magazine, One major effect I changed was the skin tone of the model, I had to decide if I felt she looked better with a tan or pale. I decided that in order to keep with the regional element of my magazine I would keep the model more tanned because it is a stereotype that people from the north wear a lot of fake tan and like the look of an intense and dark tan.

Part 4- 

In the final section of my lesson I began trailing different font styles to view their suitability with the image and color, Below is an example of one style that I trailed. 

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