Thursday 20 November 2014

20th Of November (update on progress)

In this session I have been focused on removing the back ground from my images and removing any flaws. It has been a while since I have used photoshop so I also used the lesson to get used to the different tools again and play about with what is possible. I came across many issues because of my lack of skills, I kept merging layers together and erasing big chunks of her body and hair making the image look ragged and unprofessional. I also played about with skin tones, brightness, highlights, shadows, teeth whitening, sharpening etc. My biggest worry now is the size of the images, image one may be too big and overpowering for a front cover because there is still a lot of text etc to add. In the lasts section of the lesson I became firm on my name 'East Coast' because it has regional connotations and I then began trailing different fonts on the image to see which had enough strength to compete with my image. 

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