Thursday 26 June 2014

A2 Coursework Brief Proposal

The pitch I have decided to do for my A2 coursework is the following- 

"The first four pages from a regional magazine together with two hyperlinked pages from the magazines website and a billboard advertisement for the magazine" 

I have decided to do this brief because it appeals the most to me as I have previous experience of making a magazines due to the production part of my AS coursework. However I think that this magazine will be more challenging as I am aware of the mistakes and errors I made so my aim will be to get them correct this time. A swell as this there is the added pressure of creating a hyperlinked webpage and a billboard advertisement which will push me to try new things and will boost my skills across multi-media. 

My initial thoughts are swaying towards a regional fashion magazine which uses models from the north east, promotes fashion/beauty companies located in the north east and also includes features on the best places to shop etc.I am passionate about fashion and beauty and believe that I have existing knowledge on the magazines already on the market along with the current trends which will aid me in producing a professional competitive magazine. My magazine will be largely focused on the Autumn Winter fashion trends as this will be the time in which I shoot the photos, find suitable outfits and also produce the magazine and by this time new trends will have appeared on the market. I will be focusing on appealing to a target audience of teenage girls aged 15 up to 30 that live in Newcastle, Sunderland, Durham and Middlesborough. 

My magazine will include a Front cover which will feature a model from the northeast that fits in the target audience age bracket in order to make it more appealing and relatable, on the front cover I will also have cover stories such as '50 must haves for your winter wardrobe!'. The second of my 4 pages will be a letter from the editor, so simply, a letter from me introducing everyone to the magazine and letting them know what I hope they get from it etc. Inorder to follow conventions I will make my 3rd page a contents page that informs the readers about what they can find out what stories and features are in the magazine. The 4th will be a double page spread with a feature on the up and coming fashions for Autumn and winter. 

My two hyperlinked pages of a website will be a website directly linked to the magazine and will allow for subscriptions to be made, read brief articles and enter competitions. My other hyperlinked page will be to a reviews board where people write comments about the magazine. 

My billboard advertisement will show an inside look to the feature story that will be found in the magazine, it will have the production companys logo, the magazine name and the websites address in the corner. 

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