Saturday 30 August 2014

End of August update post

This month I have managed to complete my initial pitch which will provide the base for my research and planning, I can constantly refer back to this while doing research to see if my plans are suitable or to see if I should change things to make them more appropriate. I have finished this in good time meaning that I have managed my time efficiently.

Friday 1 August 2014

Pitch- Colour Schemes

My first colour scheme is beige brown, a pinky/purple colour and a deep orange. I feel that these colours go very well together and will complement each other for my magazines house style. The deep orange reminds me of Halloween and this is an event that occurs in Autumn time, when my magazine will be produced and published. However, the colours aren't too dull and will stand out which will make my magazine look more fun and vibrant.

My second possible colour scheme is a dark navy blue, a peachy pink and beige. I like the beige colour because it is a staple colour during the Autumn fashion season and is more experimental than the conventional use of white or black. The navy and peach look good together and the light peachy colour brings light to the dark navy meaning they really complement each other. 

Pitch- Target Audience

My target audience is separated into separate groups, Primary and Secondary.


This is teenage girls aged 14-19. This is when girls are experimenting and beginning to find their personal styles and tend to use fashion magazines as an aid to help them grow, meaning that they would be the most likely to purchase my magazine. Another reason that I choose this age group as my main target audience is because I, myself fit into the group which means that I know what trends are popular amongst them at the time of production, I know what they conventionally like and don't like and I have a greater insight to what they want and like which means that my magazine can be more representative of the fun and up to date fashion they search for at this age. Choosing a younger target audience than magazines such as Vouge and Elle means that there is a bigger space in the market for my magazine while also allowing me to have more fun with the magazine by experimenting with more exiting fashion, colours, fonts and poses.


This is young women aged between 20 and 25, who may have a more youthful fashion sense or simply are looking for a more fun and energetic magazine. At this age their hobbies may be more mature than those of a fourteen year old girl such as night outs or nice meals but I believe that my magazine can reach people of this spectrum by including articles that appeal to them for clothing such as fun work outfits. My advantage is that in regards to beauty products everyone in the spectrum of my target audience can use the same products the only difference will be the price ranges possible. There personal style will be fully developed by this age but they may still experiment with trying new colours and patterns which they may class as too young for them and I want my magazine to open new opportunities to them swell as the younger audience.

Pitch- Costume Ideas

Follow Laura's board costume Inspirations on Pinterest.

Pitch- Possible Models