Tuesday 22 July 2014

Pitch- Genre

The genre for my regional magazine is… Fashion and Beauty.

 I choose this genre because as a 17 year old girl I have read a lot of different magazines of the genre which means that I have prior knowledge to the typical conventions of fashion magazines, I know what styles I like and those that i don't think worked as well. This will help me when I am planning and producing my own magazine because I can relate back to my own personal experiences with this genre and improve it through my research. This wasn't the only reason I choose this genre, I also take a very keen interest fashion and beauty and love looking at new trends and trying new beauty products so I will have fun creating this magazine.  

I want my magazine to be unique and link well with my region of the North East and therefore I want to in corporate local models, local clothing and beauty brands and other things such as mentions of the norths best shopping centres to make sure the target audience can relate. This means that the genre of the fashion I choose will be different than it would be if I was making a regional magazine down south where they typically have better weather etc. 

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